The purpose of this page is not to enumerate any and all scenarios that may take place as student-athletes and coaches relate to the St. Louis Park Track & Field program. In our experience: it is impossible to plan for everything, there are always some aspects of policies that go overlooked, and it is only human to look for loopholes and ways to take advantage of verbiage to either gain an advantage for an individual or hinder another. Therefore, this page should be viewed as a list of guidelines and precedents that have been set by the Head Coaches. Ultimately, decisions are made on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of the Head Coaches, and these policies are subject to change at all times.



Student-athletes are expected to be in good standing both academically and with the Track & Field team. This includes attendance, grades, and discipline. All student-athletes are expected to abide the following:


Lettering - 2024


Student-athletes who meet any one of the following criteria in a given season will be awarded a varsity letter in Track & Field:


Captain Selection

All student-athletes who complete the season in good standing will be eligible for captaincy. All team members will have the opportunity to anonymously or publicly voice their recommendations for the following season's captaincies. The Head Coaches will then select captains based on number of nominations, strength of character, and success in an interview with coaches.